Razor Emporium... Do you need to purchase a vintage razor in better than new condition? How about a razor repair? A shaving soap? Razor Emporium has it all! They are an accredited A+ business dedicated to meeting your needs quickly with complete customer satisfaction. You should definitely check them out. Through a special arrangement with them, you can now get 10% off any product or service! Use the coupon code Glenn10 at checkout. I buy from them and you should too.
ISDN*tek - A free online tool to look at old eBay listings by Item Number. eBay may have deleted the photos but all the text of the listings may still be there. Use this link to look up old ended eBay listings. Note: In the Significant Recent Sales section for any particular razor type the eBay Item Number is provided when available. So, you can use that item number to find out more about any particular past razor sale listed here!