Here are the Slim razors! Shavers of the world rejoice. Slim razors are both abundant and cheap. With Slim razors around there is no excuse not to own a Gillette Adjustable razor. The Slim superseded the Fatboy and was the the pinacle of the adjustable type. What does that mean? The Slim was refined after many years of engineering to work very well at it's purpose. Not only was it a great durable every-man razor, but it was super cost effective. Gillette went on to produce hundreds of thousands of these. In the picture above are the two types of Slims. The Slim on the left is the Aristocrat Slim; it is identical in every way to the Standard Slim on the right; excepting the Aristocrat is gold plated and the Standard Slim is nickel plated. Even though these two razors have identical component parts lists, Gillette made a big deal about differentiating these two razors. The Aristocrat cost $5.00 and had a nice rectangular box type case while the Standard Slim cost $1.50 and had a lower cost plastic clam shell type case. But the razors are identical except for the plating. It is for this reason that I too use razor plating as a determinant for differentiating the Gillette Adjustable razor types. If, Gillette made a big distinction based on razor plating alone, then I will too.