The Gillette Super Adjustable 109 PV was the double edge razor to take over for the previous model Super Adjustable 109. The earlier model had a nickel plated brass bottom plate. Because the PV (Plastic bottom - Vertical knurling) had a new plastic bottom plate, the date code could not be stamped into it. Gillette began stamping the date code into the metal base plate/blade bed. You can see the date code when you open the doors and peer at the blade bed. The PV was available from 1977 (X-1) to 1981 (B-4). This razor weighs in at 56 grams.
The main difference between the earlier Super Adjustable 109 and the new Super Adjustable 109 PV was the PV had a black plastic bottom plate. The earlier model had a nickel plated brass bottom plate. This was done to save on manufacturing costs and improve profit. Both the new and the earlier model had vertical knurling on the handle. PV indicates Plastic Vertical. The later version of the Super Adjustable was to get diamond knurling on its handle. That model is designated as PD indicating Plastic Diamond.

Leave it to Gillette to do strange things! Here is an early Super Adjustable 109 PV with no date code at all. Razor collectors do not pay a premium for manufacturing mistakes typically. Sorry.

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