Super Adjustable 109 PD
The Gillette Super Adjustable 109 PD was the double edge razor to take over for the previous model Super Adjustable 109 PV. The earlier model had a vertical knurling on it's handle. The new PD (Plastic bottom - Diamond knurling) had of course a diamond knurling pattern on it's handle and Twist-To-Open knob. The PD was available from 1980 (A-1) to 1988 (I-2). The PD was in production for eight (8) years and was the last double edge razor Gillette produced; an end of an era! This razor weighs in at 58 grams.

Comparison of the Earlier PV model to the PD model

First Super Adjustable 109 PD A-1 Date Code

Last Super Adjustable 109 PD I-2 Date Code

Case Front Super Adjustable 109 PD

Case Back Super Adjustable 109 PD
Significant Recent Sales
(eBay auction item number included when available)

1-30-2017 $62.89 (381934904573)